Saturday, 4 December 2010

In Memoriam

Phoenix Tears


A flash of green light
and it was over.
I suddenly wish
I knew more about you.
What made you who you were?

When we knew you,
we saw your long white beard,
silver as the sword.
Your piercing blue eyes
always seemed to know.
Just know.

They said you were getting old,
that we needed new ideas.
Oh, you had them,
but they were deceived by your snowy hair and wrinkles.

Then one fateful night,
the boy
trapped you at the top of the tower.
You knew he couldn’t,
wouldn’t do it,
when even he himself wasn’t sure.

But then one of your own,
one that you had trusted,
came and finished the job the boy had meant to do.
A flash of green light,
and it was over.

Even phoenix tears can’t heal this emptiness,
this gaping dark space,
where you used to be.

But life must go on.
After all, you’re not really gone,
not while those loyal still remain.


This is a poem I wrote last year for English class. It would have been more appropriate two weeks ago when the Harry Potter movie actually came out, but better late than never. 

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